Everyday I woke up
I always hope that it’s all just a dream,
You, would never betray us,
Strike fire into our heart,
Swiftly pouring the blood of shame,
With smell of treachery,
That I won’t ever forget.
Tell me it’s just my imagination!
Or hit my head to death.
It’s truly funny!
So pathetic!
I’m not even allowed to hope on you,
Not even hope that you were like them,
A figure where I can stay on your shoulder,
Who protect me when I’m unsecured
A friend for discussion,
Calm me when I’m worried,
Palliative when I’m angry,
You, are the one who killed my hopes,
Destroyed my dreams in blink of an eye,
Made me forget that love is still exist,
Poisoned the holy marriage,
With your treachery,
And up until now,
I have promised to my self
that I won’t ever believe you.

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